We’re Going To Grow catholicapps.com
We hope that you will contribute as well. We are going to continue to provide value to Catholic Apps on all platforms, and reach out to new developers trying to gain ground and awareness.
What Are We Working On Now?
We are working on bringing back the comments, and updating the code for the site. This shouldn’t take long. Then we will begin reviewing new apps.
Who is CJamesRun Design
CJamesRun Design has worked with both large and small businesses groups in design, and web development. Most notably he has worked with the 2015 Tour of the Relics of Saint Maria Goretti, and the design of mariagoretti.com.
Cary is married with four children and lives in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada. He has a strong desire to keep faith in technology, and works to integrate the two in any way he can. It his hope that as the site grows he will be able to highlight and bring forward more Catholic, and Christian content.
The Founder
Catholicapps.com was founded and created by Tom Lelyo. Tom is a faithful Catholic, and loves technology. You can find Tom on twitter.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]