Do you find yourself wanting to have a bit more guidance in your prayer, or find that you feel like you are floundering about not really sure where you are going or where the Lord is leading. This is a great prayer option for you. Pray As You Go gives you a daily mediation. Not just words, and not just readings, but a full out well produced guided meditation.
There is a long list of contributors of authors, writers, voical talent, and music. And if the list of well over 50 contributions isn’t enough to demonstrate that there is a lot of effort behind the app, just have a listen to how well it is produced.
The content is written by a number of Jesuits and other experts in the spirituality of St Ignatius of Loyola, and it does follow a similar rhythm each day. Having used this app, it is incredible that it is offered for free. There is an option to donate to the project but it is not required.
If you have a difficult time reading, or a challenging time listening to just spoken word, this app will take you through a guided prayer session daily. The music and spoken words are gentle with lots of room for mediation and contemplation.
What is Ignatian Contemplation
Ignatian Contemplation is prayer with Scripture. It is meeting God through story. Ignatian prayer is imaginative, reflective, and personal. St. Ignatius Loyola encouraged people to develop an intimate relationship with a God who loves them and desires the best for them. Ignatius Loyola trusted human desires. He believed that our deepest desire is to return God’s love. Ignatius Loyola also trusted feelings. He believed that feelings of joy and sorrow, peace and distress, were important indicators of the path toward fruitful decisions and deeper union with God. At the heart of Ignatian prayer are the Spiritual Exercises and the Daily Examen.
Pray as you go is a daily prayer session, designed for use on portable devices, to help you pray whenever you find time, but particularly whilst travelling to and from work, study, etc.
A new prayer session is produced every day of the working week and one session for the weekend. It is not a ‘Thought for the Day’, a sermon or a bible-study, but rather a framework for your own prayer. It is founded in Ignatian Spirituality and uses the imagination to enter more deeply into prayer.
Lasting between ten and thirteen minutes, it combines music, scripture and some questions for reflection.
Our aim is to help you to:
- become more aware of God’s presence in your life
- listen to and reflect on God’s word
- grow in your relationship with God
It is produced by Jesuit Media Initiatives, with material written by a number of Jesuits, both in Britain and further afield, and other experts in the spirituality of St Ignatius of Loyola. Although the content is different every day, it keeps to the same basic format.
You can follow through the mediation with the text if you choose, but it isn’t necessary.
The Pray As You Go app has a super simple interface, and you get right to the mediations of the day. This app keeps it clean and without a lot of extra stuff to get in the way.
There is a lot more than just the daily mediations. Pray As You Go has special offerings for different times of the year. Focused retreats and more are available to you.
Your Home Screen gives you the meditations for the week, and touching any of them will allow you to download them and listen.
Highly recommend
This is my daily connect, every day. Life is busy and I love the opening bells, song, reading. It’s traditional scriptures and theologically inspiring that I prefer despite being Anglican. Ear buds on during commute to work, crowded subway ride.

Thank you