The Chosen App
The first-ever multi-season show about Jesus. The #1 highest crowd-funded project of all-time at $10 million from over 19,000 people.

The Chosen is:
- the first-ever multi-season show about Jesus
- the #1 highest crowd-funded project of all-time at $10 million from over 19,000 people
- translated into 50 languages and counting
- consistently ranked in the top 50 entertainment apps on ios and android
- completely free to watch on our app that connects directly to streaming devices with no fee or subscription necessary
- generating income for future seasons when viewers choose to “pay it forward” after viewing
When I first encountered The Chosen Series it was a just getting started on the VidAngel network. The producer and writer had just released a short film that he created. This short movie release got the attention of VidAngel, and from there he used it to pitch the idea of a series. The first season was a fundraising effort, which I tried my best to share and encourage people to watch and share the film. After successfully funding the first season, their aim was to have it reach millions of people, and used a pay-it-forward system. This proved to be highly successful, and they were able to complete the funding as well as costs for streaming.
The makers of the series have expressed that they desire for The Chosen to be seen by over one billion people in every country in the world.
I have found that although the intention of many of today’s Christian/Catholic movies and television series is to be top bill, they lack a little bit in the ‘big box office’ feeling. The recently released (August of 2020) Fatima movie is a great example of a box office movie that is fully Catholic, and I highly recommend that you have a look a that movie. My favourite Christian Movie studio PureFlix is achieving larger productions, which means greater writing and more viewing.
What is The Chosen
The producer Dallas Jenkins has taken the biblical script and put the viewer into an immersive environment of the world of Jesus. You can let your imagination go throughout scripture and see the world as it was, and not only through the Gospel accounts. Some things you may never would have considered. An example of what I never considered before is how the fishermen that Jesus called likely hung out in Taverns and drank with their buddies all the time. The fact that these men would have had cliques and were ‘regulars’ at local places of food and drink. Something so common now, but I had never considered it before. Those relationships would have affected their lives, their marriages and their perspective.
The Chosen brings life the relationships that Jesus had, but also the relationships that the disciples had with each other. It really brought a fantastic sense of the reality of the world of Jesus. After the first few episodes were released, I had my family join in on watching the episodes.
Every person in my family was moved and engaged in these episodes. My daughter was moved enough to grab hold of the opportunity to pay it forward and gave her own money to share the reach of The Chosen further. She has watched episodes over and over, and has shared them with friends.
The producers, writers and the Chosen team have succeeded in creating a series that is engaging and delightful enough to be binge worthy. It is Catholic, in the sense that they have taken liberty in creatively filling in blanks in scripture with their ideas, but nothing comes across as preachy, or theologically challenging.
Where Is It Going
The first multi-season series about Jesus— viewed by nearly 50 million people in 180 countries and now translated into over 50 Languages—has surpassed $20 Million in Crowdfunding to date and began filming Season 2 in September of 2020.
“Season two will explore the building of Jesus’ group of disciples and the personal and interpersonal pros and cons of Jesus’ growing notoriety as they take their ministry on the road.”
The Chosen is worth every moment of your time.
Start with watching an episode, and then you will want to share it with others.

Episodes are played at full screen, and the interface is SIMPLE.
If you have any sort of smart TV, you will be able to stream it from your device to your TV. Roku, fireTV, Chromecast, AppleTV, AndoidTV, and more.

If you don’t have a smart TV, but want to watch it on your TV. In the US, you can order DVD and Blu-ray sets of The Chosen, you can also order clothing and other supporting items.

The Chosen App
The first-ever multi-season show about Jesus. The #1 highest crowd-funded project of all-time at $10 million from over 19,000 people.