Laudate includes many awesome resources such as an interactive Rosary, Daily Readings, the Liturgy of the Hours, the Roman Missal changes, and the NAB and Douay-Rheims versions of the bible – all in a simple to navigate layout. But what makes this app shine for me is the HUGE selection of prayers – in both Latin and English!
They are sorted into intuitive groups such as the “Marian Group” and “Mass Group” and you can even create your own folder of “My Prayers” to easily access your favorites. The font size and color scheme are customizable, and there are six language options. The developers are also constantly updating this app, providing a huge selection of up to date, bug-free content.
While Laudate has so many resources, this means that some resources will be less than useful or appealing. The Catechism from St. Charles Borromeo and the Liturgy of the Hours both display web-content in the app, which makes for a harder to read interface. And both versions of bible require a web connection and are not searchable, making scrolling through chapters the only option for browsing. These “cons” aren’t major issues, however.
It seems that this app (Laudate) has had some questions about content recently. (January/February 2021)
I would encourage you to seek the developer on this issue. CatholicApps reviews apps, but we only develop the Saint of the Day for Kids app.
One thing I would suggest though is to always assume the best. Many Catholic developers are working really hard to make their apps successful, as well as provide for themselves and their families. It seems that many parts of the Laudate app come from various other sources. This is likely because of the huge cost of license agreements, as well as editorial costs.
This may have been an oversight from a writer, or even worded in a way that wasn’t the original intent. We all make mistakes, and error in judgements, this may have been an error, or it may not have been. The developers put their heart and soul into helping others, pray for them. I would also encourage you as a praying Catholic, to take up some of that burden of prayer and to pray for the many internet developers and their families who struggle to fulfill what they see as a calling, trust me, I know the profit margins, and even in the wildly successful apps, there aren’t any going home rich. :(
The page that many are referring to, which references Kamal Harris (current Vice President of the United States of America) is content from http://seekfirst.blogspot.
If you read the comments … there are others that are questioning it as well, some charitable, and many not so charitable.
I encourage you to reach out to the community with great care and charity, ready and willing to offer assistance if needed to help further the sharing of the Gospel message.
Looking on the official app page for Iphone, here: https://apps.apple.com/
Laudate is a fantastic single-source app for a variety of Catholic needs. But what makes this app truly shine is it’s price-tag: free. There’s no excuse not to download this gem, even if it’s just for the prayer content. There is so much available for the faithful smart-phone user that I recommend it to everyone. And once you download it, you’ll definitely find it to be an important tool in your Catholic app arsenal.
The link to the daily scripture readings is not working.
I have been using this app for some time now and all of a sudden I am having issues, please advise.
Here is the link to the support page that they provide: http://ayckasoft.blogspot.ca/p/laudate-for-iphone.html
Which link isn’t working. Both of the links go to the appropriate store above. I’ld love to help out in any way I can.
How do I link the Laudate content, specifically my bookmarks, between my devices? If I add a bookmark on my iPad it does not show on my iPhone
It does. You need internet to access it
I <3 Laudate.com !!! It would be awesome if you had a desktop version as well. :)
I would give a 5 star rating if I could get this app for Windows. When will it be available?
You would need to contact the developers. It is a great App though!
when i click on continue or start, it goes to converter.com
Yes please! A version for my computer!
i ditto that!!!! :-)
I had this app when I was using an Android system. I cannot find this app for Windows. Is there one available? How can I get it?
I don’t think that it is available on the Windows Phone platform yet.
I think this app sucks.And how do you use it in a computer.
Hi lisbeth. This is a mobile app only. You can only use it on an Android or Apple mobile device.
What is going on with the “New American Bible” ?
Would have loved this app on Windows App
When saying the interactive Rosary, the button to go back and forth during the prayers is too close to the button to exit. also I cannot find the prayer said at the end of the Rosary in the list of prayers. I’ve been looking for that prayer for a long time because we used to say it before the Rosary and we called it “Prayer before the Rosary”. I finally scrolled down farther and found it after the “Hail Holy Queen”. What is the name of this prayer? Can it be found in the list of prayers so I can book mark it?
Please what alternative does Windows have for the catholic android app laudate. I recently started using Windows and will like an app I can download this lent to assist my prayer life and faith. Thanks
App requested for windows 10 phone
When are you going to have it gor Windows devices? Winfows 10….
Can you get laudate app on Microsoft phone
[…] app is a one horse rodeo, it isn’t trying to be like Laudate, or the Mega Catholic App, it is doing one thing, helping you to pray Novenas with the Catholic […]
Why is a Protestant bible used sometimes? NKJV was used for today’s bible quote.
[…] study something spiritual with my coffee. For this kind of reading, I read at a pace suggested by my church leaders and my own prayerful […]
[…] Laudate […]
I already have Laudate on my phone. would love to have it my
[…] features an Examination of Conscience and several podcasts. The website Catholic App spotlights its “HUGE selection of prayers.” Have your young adults download the app, and discuss how Catholics can use technology in the modern […]
Will Laudeate work on on my computer? I don’t have a smart phone (not connected to Internet), but I do have my computer. Thank you!
[…] the Laudate app will give you the opportunity to pray differently. The app contains the Liturgy of the Hours, […]
Waiting for Laudate App to be available for Windows. Who will develop this wonderful application for those of us who do not have a cell phone or work from Windows PC??
I read your prayer of Our Lady of All Nations. I noticed you have the original version; however, that’s not the version approved by the Church. It should read: “may the Lady of All Nations, the Blessed Virgin Mary…” Please, check this out and have the approved version published. I understand we have to be obedient to the Church. Thank you.
[…] up Netflix for my Lenten sacrifice, thereby getting to bed at a decent hour) and opened up the Laudate app on my Kindle. Since I’ve done bible studies of so many new testament books, and am very […]
Can I get Laudate in a version that I can use on my MacBook Pro laptop. I travel a lot and need a version for my computer vs my iPad. I do not have a a smart phone. I love the app but cannot take both my iPad and Laptop every time I travel.
Waiting for Laudate App to be available for Windows PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!!!!!!……
I downloaded the app this morning, did an examination of conscience, did a mock confession (a real one scheduled for this evening) and attended mass. I want everyone I know to use this application on their smart phones. It is a great resource and guide. It could accidentally turn any normal pagan into a practicing Catholic. The prayer list is incredible! Thanks. Tom
Hi, I want to download the laudate app in my laptop but I don’t know how. Can you assist me. Thank you
This app is wonderful. I’m using it every day for daily reading, reflection, etc…
I can’t wait for the Window version.
May God Bless you and your work!
Please make it available for PC users too.
would love to ave this on my computer…
I am searching for a way to contact the Laudate App Developers. Does anyone know how I can do this? I have enjoyed the app and especially the Pray As You Go option; I have not seen that choice for a while. Is it a technical issue or has it been removed??
Laudate a computer version would be really great guys. Can you please organise this?
I like to read the Daily readings and follow it with the meditation. However, the meditation is getting so very long and in depth, that I find that I am not getting as much out of it as I once did. Could you condense it somewhat and keep it related to a quick overview, followed by how it can relate to our daily lives. Thank you.
I would also like to see a Laudate app for windows. My tablet crashed and it is harder to read on my phone.
Sharing the Laudate app allows me to drop in and directs me to new places to visit or explore. Staying close to the Lord!
Is there an app for windows?
Unfortunately no.
Kindly advise how to download the application on desktop. Thanks.
It is not available on the desktop, only on mobile devices.
App has not been connecting for past few days to Daily Readings. It spins and spins, then crashes and goes back to my iPhone desktop.
I love this app and have been using it many times a day but the last 2 days it just crashes.
I get it up and in less than a minute it shuts down. I can’t really use it anymore. Why is this happening? Please help me I am so frustrated about it.
I can only get Laudate to stay open for 1 minute this week until it crashes and I have to log in again. Doesn’t matter what device I am on.
I would love it if you could put a ‘pause’ option in the various Rosaries. Sometimes I get interrupted and it’s frustrating or simply not possible to start over. A pause option please. Thanks
My app got turned on in another language other than English. I cant seem to fix it. I have uninstalled it and reinstalled it but It did not help. Can you help?
How can I make a donation to the app? A message to buy it for $1 was appearing a while ago but it disappeared.
I enjoy this app but I wish it came with a good commentary on the daily readings! There are so many times I would like the reading itself explained in greater depth. What a wonderful addition that would be.
I would like to use this app on my computer , i have a windows 10 How do I continue to find out how and also be able to print gospel readings ?
My parish removed missals due to the threat of coronavirus spread. I used this app to get to the Sunday Mass reading last night so it is very helpful.
laudate saves many souls
I read Laudate every day and was astounded to read comments in the daily bible verse on Sunday, March 29, 2020 saying that the church is pandering to governments in shuttering all the Churches and that the Hierarchy is leading today from a position of extreme weakness, fear, doubt and worry. Apparently, whoever writes for seekfirstcommunity.com is a greater authority on church teaching and tradition than Pope Francis.
I guess we should ignore all of the medical and church authorities and continue to be in close proximity to one another so that we can spread this coronavirus to the entire world. We can all become “lepers”
I guess it’s fashionable to ignore the infallible teachings of the Pope these days. Just continue to do as you please.
Can the rosary with scripture be updated to ask for the prayers of Pope Francis instead of Pope Benedict?
I have had this app for a long time and love it but it stopped working yesterday after I noticed some bug fixes that were made. I deleted it and downloaded again hoping that would correct the problem but it did not. The app opens but when I click on prayers or something else, it goes to just the home screen.
I am on an iPad and downloaded from the Laudate website. Since I can’t find a comment section there, I came to catholic apps.com site
Downloaded the update for older iOS last night. Now it doesn’t work at all. Deleted from iPad and reinstalled but it didn’t work.
Will you consider adding the Chaplet of St Anthony of Padua please?
The only reason God speaks in old English is because for some strange reason some people in the Church feel the need to use it. THIS IS THE 21st CENTURY FOLKS !!!! let us please ditch old English for proper MODERN English. How insane is it to talk in thees and thous and begadsts and didsts. Even as I type this the phone is trying to not use the old English.
I hope someone develops an app that connects with the great I AM in English that He uses ! Thank
The Evangelizo (US) daily scripture readings have not been accessible for a long time. Why? This is very annoying as I don’t like the USCCB version.
Love this app! Two days ago, the Liturgy of the Hours is blank. Reloaded app, and it’s still blank. Hope it’s restored soon.
We have been using Laudate on our iPad and iPhone for over two years. We really like it. Unfortunately, we are now receiving a blank screen (no content) when opening the Liturgy of the Hours. Liturgy of the Hours opens, but the Evening Prayer (or Morning Prayer or Compline or . . . ) sub-pages contain no text.
I have not been able to receive the Daily readings for today. Is that part of your app being updated or reviewed today?
I have never had any problems before and have successfully navigated your app for the past two years.
There is a free emulator called BlueStacks that you can install on your PC. It will allow you to run this app on your PC.
What happened to the Daily Reading Podcost from usccb? It is not available anymore.
The APP has been hacked by advertisements.
The Catechism link search fcn is has been taken over by an add that will not go away. This is most frustrsting to this regular user who has become dependent on this functionality.
I would you to know how much I appreciate the prayers.
There are several prayers that I would like to add. I have these in my cellphone. I followed the instructions of Menu->Prayer and then long press edit or delete. I can’t find the edit and delete options. I would appreciate your help.
How do I add prayers. I followed the instructions but I don’t see the edit/delete options.
I’ve started having trouble viewing the YouTube videos since Tuesday July 28. I can hear it but the video is still and blinking like colors of a 3D movie???. I noticed today’s video, new month, was the same. Sound but blinking still video image. Can someone help me. Sorry this is in Laudate Daily Readings Relection Videos
Carmen Joseph
I have the Laudate app and my husband and I like to listen to the video reflection for the next day’s gospel
But lately, the video reflection will not go up to the following day.
This is aggravating!
“Can someone tell me how to delete a prayer in My Prayers? I accidently entered a prayer twice and I dont know how to do a long” delete.
What happened to Pray as you go. Did you drop it if so I will delete the App I really liked the Pray as you go. If you still have it how do I find it again. Where it says all pod casts it does not come up. I really do not like new up date.
I use your app everyday. It has helped me become a better, more knowledgeable Catholic. My only suggestion is that some of the rosary and chaplets need their prayers updated ( mostly the apostle’s creed). I would hate to see a newcomer to the faith put that one to memory. Otherwise, I love it. Thank you and God bless you for what you do!
Why in the heck is Kamala Harris considered a “fruit” of Saint Angela Merici? She is a baby killer and supports abortion through live birth! Who owns/runs Laudate – I will be deleting this app and UNrecommending this to friends immediately. Why taint an otherwise good app with this garbage?
I am so disappointed to discover that on January 27th, this app gave HONOR to Kamala Harris, the “vice president” who is among the loudest in our country promoting and expanding the murder of unborn human lives!!! She is Catholic in name only and does not share the faith of millions of devout Christian Catholics. SHAME on you! This is a Catholic app – there is no room for mistakes of this magnitude! May God have mercy on you.
After mentioning Kamala Harris as a fruit of St. Angela Merici I will be deleting the Laudate App. Amy Coney Barrett would be a much better choice as she graduated from Dominican (a Catholic High School), Notre Dame, is a successful mother, lawyer, and now Supreme Court Justice and she is PRO-LIFE!!!
Very disappointed you choose to honor Kamala Harris pro abortion leader!
Deleted app…no way shape or form is baby killer, white person hater, and all round nasty woman, Kamala Harris a fruit of anything but satan
Deleted and un-recommended. Posted to all my Catholic chat boards the disgusting decision to honor a pro-abortion politician as a fruit of St. Angela Merici. Trying to sneak that in – thinking real Catholics won’t notice? Shame on you! Does “catholics” for choice run this app?
Deleted the app. They praised pro-abortion politicians. I definitely do not recommend, and I will let my friends know so they can also delete the app.
I would encourage you to seek the developer on this issue. CatholicApps reviews apps, but we only develop the Saint of the Day for Kids app.
One thing I would suggest though is to always assume the best. Many Catholic developers are working really hard to make their apps successful, as well as provide for themselves and their families. This may have been an oversight from a writer, or even worded in a way that wasn’t the original intent. We all make mistakes, and error in judgements. The developers put their heart and soul into helping others, pray for them. I would also encourage you as a praying Catholic, to take up some of that burden of prayer and to pray for the many internet developers and their families who struggle to fulfill what they see as a calling, trust me, I know the profit margins, and even in the wildly successful apps, there aren’t many going home rich. :(
It seems that much of the content from the app is being pulled from different sources. The page that you are referring to, which references Kamal Harris is content from http://seekfirst.blogspot.com/2021/01/1-27.html?m=1
If you read the comments … there are others that are questioning it as well.
I encourage you to reach out to the community with great care and charity, ready and willing to offer assistance if needed to help further conversion to the Gospel message, and deeper conversion of heart to Christ.
Looking on the official app page for Iphone, here: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/laudate-1-catholic-app/id499428207
It lists the tech contact as this website: http://ayckasoft.blogspot.com
Cary at Catholicapps.com
do not use this app – they worship kamala harris hillary clinton steve jobs and bill gates not God
Please fix the spelling of the new Vice-President’s name. It is KamalA, not Kamal, Harris. Thanks.
Shame on this app for Honoring Kamala Harris next to our Great Saints – who ever did this you are on the devil side !
I am horrified about the honoring of Kamala Harris — shame!1
Disgraceful, placing Kamala Harris on the level of our cherished saints!!!!!!!!!!!! Shameful!
Deleting this app! May your eyes be opened … and soon!
Shame on you!! This is a Catholic app . I used to respect and encourage people to use it. Lately with all the Left leaning political mentions in place of strong Catholic teaching you are destroying your name and reputation , leading people astray and even going so far as to commit blasphemy by including Kamala Harris in the same group and level as the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Saints. Ms Harris hates Catholics and is for homosexual people marrying and for BLM riots with murder and burning of cities. !!! Who do you have writing and editing this output? I am canceling you and will spread the word to others to cancel you . You are a disgrace. God sees this and you will not prosper by worshiping idols of the world.
This is a Catholic app . I used to respect and encourage people to use it. Lately with all the Left leaning political mentions in place of strong Catholic teaching you are destroying your name and reputation , leading people astray and even going so far as to commit blasphemy by including Kamala Harris in the same group and level as the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Saints. Ms Harris hates Catholics and is for homosexual people marrying and for BLM riots with murder and burning of cities. !!! Who do you have writing and editing this output? I am canceling you and will spread the word to others to cancel you . You are a disgrace. God sees this and you will not prosper by worshiping idols of the world.
Obviously non-Catholic “Catholics” have Infiltrated the Laudate App.
Let’s do as Jesus taught and pray for them. Fast and pray. Also pray for a conversion of our secular catholic as well as our Catholic leader.
May Jesus have Mercy on their souls when they meet face to face.
How can I access the previous day reading reflections! There is so much treasure in these reflections! I would love to go back, reread and share. Thank you.
I used to forward the daily readings to friends and family… but that broke on July 2nd. Are you addressing this problem?
There is a quote included today in a reflection by RegnumChristi, that is often attributed to Mother Theresa but , while beautiful, was not actually written by her.
10/27/23 Under Bible Verse tab, Signs of Times today:
#3. Denial of climate change.
Outside of historical variations, “climate change” is government propaganda as a tool to line the pockets of already wealthy elite. I am very disappointed to see this in the Laudate app today.
Only recently when I open the app on my phone in the portrait profile I have a blue band on the side of the right side of the screen which obscures most of the readings. How do I remove it?
That seems strange. Can you fully quit the app, and perhaps check for an update and then open it again. I haven’t encountered something like this.
Have this app on my phone and love it but wish I could get it on my desk top. It would be easier to read.
Is there a PC/Web version?
I can’t find the New Testament
On the main screen of options, It is right near the bottom “New American RE Bible” You can find the New Testament is available there However the interface isn’t the greatest for bible reading. You would be better to download a dedicated bible app.
Why is the Rosary by Melissa not workin
I really enjoyed this post on Laudate! It’s incredible how such a comprehensive app can make accessing prayers and the daily readings so convenient. I’ve been using it daily, and it’s truly enriched my spiritual life. Thanks for sharing your insights!
Thank you for sharing such an insightful post about Laudate! It’s amazing to see how technology can enhance our spiritual lives. I love the variety of prayers and readings available at my fingertips. Looking forward to exploring more features!
I am trying to find out how when I am reading the Bible laudate app and say I’m reading Matthew chapter 2 and I have to leave and when I get back home I want to be able to open it back up and it automatically be at chapter 3 because that’s where I left off. I’m told it saves your place for where you were reading but I cannot get that to happen I need help.
Thank you for sharing this insightful post about Laudate! It’s truly a wonderful app for prayer, scripture, and deepening one’s faith, and I appreciate how you highlighted its key features. Having so many spiritual resources in one place makes it a valuable tool for daily devotion. Do you have a favorite feature of the app that you find most helpful in your own spiritual practice?