3MC (3 Minute Catechism) (Android) consists of 72 hand drawn and animated episodes each 3-4 minutes long, that follow the the creed and explain the basics of the Catholic Faith.
But this app goes beyond the basics and really tries to explain some of the deeper truths of the Catholic faith. All through amazing illustrations, creative presentation, humour, and even some deep theology. It’s like having a visual catechism right on your iPhone, or Droid phone. Update: Interview with the developer at the end!
The trailer gives you a feel for some of the humour in the content.
3 Minute Catechism Simplifies Deep Teachings
Originally released on 2 DVDs the creators are now making them all available for free. All of the videos are available for streaming, and of course this means that you can share them on any of your social media accounts from Facebook to Pinterest.
Relevant Texts and FAQ that is manned by LIVE PEOPLE
Right under the awesome video, you find useful pointers for further reading, Catechism references, bible references, and you can ask your own questions right within the app, a staff of volunteers will answer, when available. So in time we hope it will become an ever more useful catechetical resource.
There are more available now: English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French, German, Polish, Russian, Chinese, Slovak.

App currently is in English, Deutsch, Polski, Русский, 中国 The 3 Minute
Who is the 3 Minute Catechism app (Android) for?
3MC is for everyone. I was not only entertained but I caught teachings that I didn’t necessarily understand before. All age groups benefit from the clear and short presentations. Some episodes of course are philosophically more engaging and difficult than others. The more difficult ones are marked with an *
3MC can also be used in schools, preparation for the sacrament of confirmation, in prayer groups, the new evangelization, pastoral work (preparation for baptism, wedding etc.)
What Is Covered?
Here is just a partial list of the topics covered in the 3mc app.
I. Basics (Sample list)
- What is Man?
- What is the soul?
- Opinion, Knowledge, Faith
- What does it mean to “believe in God”?
- 5 is there a proof for the existence of God? ***
- What are Miracles ***
II. Revelation
III. God
IV. Creation
V. Redemption
VI. Sanctification
VII. The Sanctified (Church)
VIII. The Last things
IX. Life with God (Sample List)
- What is man in light of the faith?
- Is everyone called to holiness?
- What are virtues? ***
- What is prayer?
- What is the role of the body in prayer?
- What is Our Father?
- Bonus 1: Why are atheists wrong?***
- Bonus 2: Does atheism lead to a better world? ***
In this app you don’t have any annoying advertising and just a static banner to give a ‘shout out’ to the people who made this project possible.

The videos are all embedded YouTube videos, so you need that installed on your device as well.
Requirements: Internet access and the YouTube app installed.
Interview With The Developer
What Are Your Hopes For Sharing This New App?
I hope the app helps people draw closer to God by seeing some of the beauty of the Catholic Faith. And if that can be done with smiles here and there, all the better.
What Is Your Favourite Question From The Series?
There are 72 in total. That makes it difficult to pick. Expounding the Creed they are all important. But for daily Christian life I would say those on the Mass (39) and the nature of the Priesthood (46) are dearest to me.
(Here is Episode 39)
What Was The Most Difficult Question To Present?
The challenge was always trying to clock things down to 3 minutes. I was not too rigorous with that, when I felt I needed a couple of extra minutes to explain things, but still being brief is not easy. This was certainly true for the more philosophical ones such as episode 5 (Proof for the Existence of God) but even more for the central doctrine of the Most Holy Trinity. The way you would normally approach a mystery is by “circling around it” explaining essentially what it does NOT mean and in this way slowly approaching the truth, which itself cannot be grasped by a human intellect in this life. God is indeed greater, than that which can be thought – in this way St. Anselm was right. Since you obviously cannot do much circling in 3 or even 5 minutes, these episodes were also quite difficult to put together. Hope these answers are what you were looking for, In Christo, Fr. Johannes
Here Is Episode 5
We at CatholicApps.com give this a whole hearted endorsement! Thank you to the amazing developer, the artists and the team that made this app a great one!
Understanding the depth of the Catholic Church is a big task, and even I, who have read the Catechism can get easily lost in the magnitude of teachings. There is one source that brings the teachings of the church to my level.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
I’d there a version of the app for us Kindle users?
If your Kindle can use android apps, then yes: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.a3mc
If it can’t then you can have a look on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIcePO_eJb2_EElTdFm1PFLNkH17EQcV-
I hope that helps!