We recommend it, there is a lite version that you can get to try out, but we bought the full app. Read on to find out all the details on why this is now on our devices. But, having to re-purchase the iPad app, “Note: Prayer Notebook for iPad is a separate purchase”, is a downer.
Praying for someone is one of the most beautiful gifts you can give your family, friends, community, the world! Christ told us that our prayers have the power to move mountains, if only we have faith the size of a mustard seed. What a gracious God we have that he wills for us to enter into a prayer relationship with Him and those He put in our lives. I know for a fact that the prayers of others, particularly my mother, have kept me going so many times. So when I tell someone that I will pray for them, I want it to be more than just something I say, I want it to be true, because I know it has the power to change their lives.
Though I always have good intentions, I’m not always great with follow through. Life is busy and I often forget the prayer intentions I have committed to. I also forget to thank God for answered prayers and rejoice in the work He is doing all around me. That is where this simple app comes in – what a great tool! This app has given me a great way to keep track of my prayer intentions and has made praying for people so easy.
Free Lite Version
The app has a “Lite” version which you can download for free. It has all the same features as the full version, but only allows you to have five prayer intentions at a time. So after checking the app out and loving it, I decided to download the full version so I could keep track of more than just five prayers at a time.

It’s like having your prayer journal ALWAYS in your pocket!
Organizing Prayer Intentions
So I’m thinking that maybe I love this app so much because it helps me organize my prayer intentions – I’m a bit of an organization fanatic I admit. The app’s main page gives you a variety of ways to organize and view your prayer intentions. You can view them by “Status”- Unanswered, Answered or Achieved or you can view them by “Categories” which you create. Clicking on the heading “Today’s Prayers” takes you to a list of all the prayer intentions you have for the day. This screen acts like a file folder, making it easy to pick and choose who/what you will be praying for.
To add a new prayer, simply select a Category and you are taken to the prayer intention screen. To add a new prayer you click on the blue + button and you are taken to the “New Prayer” screen. It asks for a title, you can select a person from your contact list to be connected to the prayer request and it shows you the Category it falls in. Then it allows you to set a schedule for praying for this intention. You can also set an alert to remind you to pray. Finally, you can add notes, which I used to actually write a specific prayer. Then when I use the app during prayer time, I can just easily go through my notes and say my prayers.

Setting up or editing prayers is very quick and easy.
Great Features
This app has lots of great features I feel are worth mentioning. It allows you to sync up through iCloud so that you can engage your spouse or other family members in prayer, or to simply be able to access your prayers on more than one of your own devices. The prayer alert, which helps me remember to say my prayers. As I mentioned earlier, clicking on the heading “Today’s Prayers” in the main menu takes me directly to a list of all the prayer intentions I have for the day. In order to see my prayer notes for each of the prayers I just have to turn my device on it’s side and the app gives me my prayer notes, which I can scroll through as I pray. Really this app is so easy to use and everything has been made so intuitively, it is a pleasure to use.

Keep your prayer life up to date.
Just a couple of negatives on this one. I do think the price for the full version, $2.79, is a little steep. Even if the app was $1.99 it would be a more reasonable price point. Another negative is that when I did buy the full version, my prayers didn’t transfer over – maybe I’m asking too much, but it would have been awesome if I could just click a button and have my current prayer requests move over to the full version. The iPad app is also a separate purchase. My last negative is that there is no version for android and it doesn’t look like there are any plans to make one. In the FAQ page of the app the developers say, “No, we do not currently have any plans to release Prayer Notebook for Android”. Sorry folks, only mac users can enjoy this app. I really do wish the developers would consider an android version, because it is such a GREAT tool that encourages people to pray for one another! By the way, the FAQ page found in the app has all sorts of great information, I thought this was a great item to have built right into the app.

Settings Page for the Prayer Notebook App. All sorts of help is available, and you can share your prayer intentions.

Settings Page for the Prayer Notebook App
I hope all you Mac user prayer warriors out there consider downloading this app, I think you will love it. Let’s storm the gates of heaven and change the world with the wonderful gift of prayer that Jesus gave us.
Philippians 4:6-7 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.