The strength of Focus on the Family has spread from the United States into Canada, an then around the world. This app can really be an asset to new, and old parents alike.
Catholic families struggle with their marriages, parenting, and even just their faith everyday, this app provides a great daily foundation for getting through the tough spots. We really think that this app can be a great asset as a Catholic family app. There are some podcasts, that we have reviewed. As well as prayer apps, too.
The Focus on the Family Broadcast provides daily encouragement that helps families thrive each day. For over 40 years, one half-hour at a time, Focus on the Family has shared meaningful advice across the nation. This daily broadcast has become one of today’s most recognized Christian radio programs and continues to grow in exciting ways with Focus President Jim Daly and co-host John Fuller.
The episodes can be downloaded on WiFi and listened to later, so that you aren’t using a lot of data from your cellular provider.
There can be sensitive topics discussed, but my experience is that their hosts provide a disclaimer at the beginning of the episode if there is one needed.
Again, even though Focus on the Family (Focus on the Family Canada) is not a Catholic organization, I felt that this resource is listened to by thousands of Christians seeking great advice on marriage, parenting, and on values. I haven’t heard anything anti-Catholic on any of their episodes, and I have been listening on and off since I was little. Focus has provided substantial support to marriages, and helping families
This app is available for BOTH Android and iOS.
The Focus on the Family Broadcast app is the most engaging way to experience the program, featuring:
- Exclusive content
- Offline listening – Take the latest marriage, parenting and cultural insights from Focus on the Family wherever you go!
- An improved browsing experience
- Account creation
- User-commenting on individual episodes

Focus on the Family App allows you to listen to past episodes.

Focus on the Family Details settings screen, even gives options for online donations

Focus on the Family Episode details screen allows you to download for ‘offline’ listening.