Pray: The Catholic Novena App
The Catholic Novena App 
Brand new on the scene within the past year is a new Catholic app and it makes it so EASY to pray with other Catholics around the world. I have used rosary apps, and other specific novena catholic apps on my iPhone and iPad before, but this cool new app has a great twist that allows you to share your own specific prayer request and have others join you in prayer.
Free on iTunes
Laudate is a fantastic single-source app for a variety of Catholic needs. But what makes this app truly shine is it’s price-tag: free. There’s no excuse not to download this gem, even if it’s just for the prayer content. There is so much available for the faithful smart-phone user that I recommend it to everyone. And once you download it, you’ll definitely find it to be an important tool in your Catholic app arsenal.
Free on iTunes
Free on Google Play
Catholic Bible App
I found a really great bible app recently; one of many awesome Bible apps available in the App store right now. It is available for Android and iOS. This Catholic Bible app features a free online Douay Rheims Bible. Other approved Catholic Bible versions are available for download including the New American Bible Revised Edition (NABRE) which carries the Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat from the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
$1.99 on iTunes

The Catholic Mega App
The Catholic Mega App
Here is what appealed to me:
- What first appealed to me was that it was free – I will always love free!
- The second thing was its design-very elegant look that incorporates beautiful artwork.
- The third was its title – MEGA…surely they are exaggerating a bit. Well I was wrong. After my first initial preview I was actually so overwhelmed I had to just walk away. I didn’t know where to start with it, there was just so much information! Every touch of a button accessed a wealth of catholic “stuff”.
Free on iTunes
Free on Google Play
Amazon Apps

Mary Our Mother App
Mary our Mother
The Mary Our Mother app is a mega app that appeals to everyone, and tries to capture was is essential to the Catholic faith. There is a lot in the app, but like I share below you need a WIFI, or DATA connection for all of it. It is designed well to connect to many, many websites for content like Daily readings, Daily mediations, and even information on Eucharistic and Marian miracles. It’s definitely Catholic, and it carries a lot fo weight but for me having to always use data isn’t the greatest. I’ld love if it could cache some of the data, but that didn’t work for me. If you have the capacity in your data plan or have Wifi where you need it (our parish has it), then this app is a great addition to building your faith.
Free on iTunes
Free on Google Play
CNA – Catholic News Agency Apps
Are you looking for a reliable place to find Catholic News, you will find it in the dedicated Catholic News Agency (CNA) app. This app delivers lots of daily content, even hourly, and it divides that content into four major categories: World, USA, Vatican and Americas. As a Canadian, I found it to be a bit USA-centric, but it does balance that with worldwide news, and it doesn’t provide that coverage lightly, there is a lot of content. It connects with the CNA’s social channels as well. This free app will get you connected with news as well as focused documentary type videos, text and audio and video are all here.
Free on iTunes
Free on Android

Audio Catholic Books App
Audio Catholic Books
Summary: Take your faith life with you. Are you looking for the best Catholic Audio Book app that is on both the iOS (iPad, iPhone) store, and the Google Play (Android) store? This is an excellent option for those of you who spend hours commuting or really for all of us who are busy with life! First of all, it comes with 9 Audio books ready for you to use right away (FREE) (except on the Amazon Play store but it has to include all the books at once)! The books that are included are fantastic and ultimately they are true classics.
Free on iTunes
Free on Google Play
16.99 on Amazon Apps Store

The Pope Emoji App
Pope Emoji
I am going to venture out into the world of texting for this week’s review. The Pope Emoji App Presented by Aleteia and developed by Swyft Media Inc. is a fun and creative way to add life to your texts. If you are a Catholic and you have friends that are Catholic as well you will appreciate this little fun app that is both Android (👏🏽) and iOS. It doesn’t even need to be necessary to use, just have fun with them. And best of all this one is FREE. I am giving it full stars!
Free on iTunes
Free on Google Play
Summary: This particular Bible app is incredibly smooth, it is top notch design, and layout, really well thought out. There are many Bible Apps out there and they each have a role, studying scripture, making and remembering notes, and like this one reading scripture. This app takes the clutter, the inline linking, the click for ten times more information, out of the picture and just brings it down to one task. Reading Scripture. Navigate easier, read easier, and pray easier.
$4.99 Buy on iTunes
Catholic Droid
This is an app that is aimed at Catholics, and it aims to cover a lot of issues, topics and areas in the Catholic faith. It is one of the better reviewed Android Google Play Store Catholic apps, and it does cover a lot of areas.
Overall, this is a fantastic app, it has a bit of everything, with room to grow. Download this free Catholic App on the Google Play store, it is exclusive to Android and with a name like Catholic Droid, it’s easily found.
Ave Maria Catholic Radio App
Ave Maria Radio just released a brand new version of their Catholic radio app and it is a completely new user experience. This app provides easy access to their live stream, audio and video on demand, as well as a totally new feature: a the Truth and Life Dramatized audio bible built right into the app! This bible is fully functional, giving you the ability to highlight and take notes, bookmark your favorite sections as well as have the New Testament read to you!
Free on iTunes
Google Play
Amazon App Store
At the World Youth Day 2016 a DOCAT APP will be shared out in a great number for free. The DOCAT is the official Social Teaching of the Church and already implies to “do” it, to take action. Pope Francis supports the DOCAT and penned a foreword.
DOCAT campaign: When receiving the DOCAT APP, young people will be able to commit on the spot to study the DOCAT and do acts of justice or acts of service as a present to Pope Francis.
Free on iTunes Store (in App purchase)
Free on Google Play Store (in App purchase)
Is there a good app that will give you daily bible verses? I see a swarm of them on the Apple App Store, but they’re mostly KJV and I am not interested in KJV as I understand that is not Catholic. This is a great list by the way! Thank you!
One of the great ones that we have seen is https://catholicapps.com/daily-catholic-readings-app/
Hi, I found this app which is very good. Every day there’s a different prayer: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=letuspray.daily.prayers&hl=en
There’s also a daily reminder to help me to remember to pray God in my busy life. Super!
I recently found this alarm clock on android :
This app can come in handy for many sleepers. It certainly helps me :)
Thanks, this is really a good list!
I joined a Catholic dating app recently, this app helps me meet other single Catholics near me.
The app name is Ckiss, maybe you guys should add it to the list.
Looking for easy to use daily updated “liturgy of the hours” apps or websites.
Any suggestions
Have you had a look at https://catholicapps.com/ibreviary/ ?
Sadly the availability to download any of these apps on a windows book has lapsed. So back to the drawing board :(
I don’t understand why some gave this article 1 or 3 stars. Are you complaining to the author for not listing catholic windows apps? Thanks for the article. Time for a 2018 Best Apps.
I will suggest this alarm clock: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adrian.catholicalarmclock
At least each time it turns on and is on time! There is no problem with the energy saving mode.
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Time for 2019 Best Apps